24 December 2020

A new day.


It's been too long since I last wrote in here. To be honest, I was so lazy to write anything. However, starting today InsyaAllah, I will try and write an entry once a day, to try and keep track of anything that's happening around me.

Last night, I've impulsively deleted the Twitter and Instagram apps from my phone (but I didn't deactivate my accounts). The main reason is because I was too reliant on those apps to be honest. Not that I'm actually conversing with anyone from there, it's just that I've noticed that those were the apps that I open the most everyday, starting from when I wake up until the moment I'm about to sleep. Personally, I think it is quite toxic. Therefore, I chose to delete the apps, hoping that I can somewhat curbed my addiction to those apps. It's only been Day 1, so here's hoping that I can resist the temptation for as long as I can.

Secondly, nowadays I'm back into reading. I've purchased so many books, subscribed to several webtoons and downloaded tons of e-books. Hopefully I can read them all during these school holidays (in between unpacking stuff at our new school and all).

Recently I started watching Thai dramas and some of them are good enough that I've binge-watching them over the weekends. Such a nice way to spend my time indoor hahahaha. And since I've had my fill of the dramas, I'm gonna start reading all those unread books and no more buying new ones until I'm finished with the existing ones. 

Oh, I'm also gonna start doing the Intermittent Fasting (IF) as I feel like I'm getting fatter by the minute T_T wish me luck!

I guess that's all for today. InsyaAllah tomorrow I will write again. See ya!

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