Alhamdulillah, today (or rather, tonight) marks the first taraweeh prayer for this year's Ramadan. I'm so grateful that I get to perform the prayer, after some years not being able to do it.
Even though I am very excited for this meaningful month, unfortunately some not-so-good things happen as well in my life, or to be exact, my love life.
Everything went as smoothly as I had wish for, but as much as I wanted this happy ending to happen, it may not seem that way anymore.. which sucks big time because I've come to love this man wholeheartedly. Perhaps I'm just a fool, desperately wanting to have someone to call my own, that I was willing to sacrifice my own heart, just for the sake of being with someone.
Maybe I deserve this. Maybe I deserve to get my heart broken into a million pieces. Mind you, this is my first time of being in a relationship with someone, romantically. He claimed that I was being unfair to him, that I somehow not treating him the same way that he has treated me. He kept on mentioning that our time difference too is making it harder for things to work between us. He also said that I haven't been understanding and patient for him, when he has been understanding and patient with me. It really broke my heart hearing him said that. It was as if I was being very unreasonable and impossible for him this whole time..
I honestly don't know what to think anymore. I've been numb and I have been in an auto pilot mode these past few days. I really, really, really wanna talk to him and ask him how he's doing and what he's been up to but it seems like I can't do that anymore. I know he's busier now since he has started talking again with his sister, and she wanted to help him get a decent job soon, but can't he at least reply to any of my texts? It's as if he hasn't had any free time whatsoever in his days to check his phone and read my texts. When I brought up that issue, he got super defensive and said that I accused him of cheating on me or that I didn't trust him. I was feeling very hurtful to hear him say that, or the fact that he raised his voice when he told me all that. I couldn't do anything except to just cry when he started talking about all those hurtful things to me.
I should really go to bed soon, it's getting late now and I need to wake up early for suhoor. All I can do now is pray to Allah that He would ease everything for me, and give me a peace of mind and rationality to deal with all these things. Amiinn..
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